
Preparation of synthetic zeolite

According to Japan's "plaster and lime" magazine: synthetic zeolite powder generally use sodium silicate solution and sodium aluminate solution, and Na: O, 510:, AI: 03 and according to the provisions of the proportions of each component generated H20 aluminum silicate condensate glue, heated, crystallized synthesis. The synthesis conditions such as changing the mixing ratio of the respective components, the heating temperature and the like can be prepared by stirring a wide variety of synthetic zeolites. Synthetic zeolite has a unique crystal structure, pore size, surface field, adsorption separation energy, energy, and other physical and chemical properties of solid acidic ion-exchange, it is used as a functional substance is used as adsorbents, molecular sievess, ion exchangers, catalyst. Production of synthetic zeolite between 1957 and 1959 in Japan, such as the table below. The maximum demand of synthetic zeolite is used as a washing powder. Secondly, as an adsorbent, the amount of catalyst required is large, such as the 1989 production for other uses 8500 tons, the sorbent is 3500 tons, 3,000 tons of catalyst. Recently, the use of synthetic zeolite crystalline uniformity characteristics of particle shape and size as the plastic filler with an amount increasing. Other also as paper, rubber filler, deodorant, preservatives, anti-bacterial agent. Especially as pharmaceuticals, electronic materials, high functional materials have been partially practical

