
Zeolite is aluminum silicate minerals

Zeolite is aluminum silicate minerals, the appearance of white or brick red zeolite, is a weak acid cation exchangers, artificially introduced into the active component of sewage treatment z
eolite, it has the ability of new ion exchange or adsorption,activated zeolite powder 3a capacity also increases proportionately. Zeolite is widely used in agriculture, petrochemicals, environmental protection, water extracting potassium, water, polymer chemicals, water softening, cement, food, paper, electronics, building materials, feed additives and other properties and uses.
Which for small and medium sized boiler water softening treatment to remove water calcium and magnesium ions zeolite powder feed additives, thereby reducing the formation of boiler scale, reduce water measuring corrosion of metals, extend the life of the boiler. In wastewater treatment, water can be used to remove phosphorus and lead and hexavalent chromium. Zeolite can be used after failure brine countercurrent regeneration after repeated use.
If the internal pure zeolites, then they should be colorless or white, but if the other impurities mixed inside, will show a variety of colors and shallow. The zeolite has a glass-like luster. We know that the zeolite in the water can run out, but that does not destroy the interior of the crystal structure of the zeolite. Thus, it can re-absorb water or other liquids. So, this has become a feature of people use zeolite. We can use zeolite to separate some of the substances produced when refining,synthetic zeolite powder supplier can make the air becomes dry, it can be adsorbed certain pollutants, purification and drying alcohol and so on. Zeolite minerals have a very wide distribution. Particularly common in sedimentary rock formed by the volcanic debris, also found in the soil.

